AusIndustry supported Branimir's Post - Energy Audit (Follow Up) Projects.

AusIndustry supported Branimir's Post - Energy Audit (Follow Up) Projects.


Thanks to Branimir's every-time-present Scientific, Research and Innovative Content / Level of projects, AusIndustry, a leading Australian R&D / Innovative Institution has been notably supportive of his Follow-Up activities, especially regarding any eventual implementation of energy audit / management, or renewable energy related recommendations. The kind of 'flow-chart' usually applied was as follow:

1 Branimir registers as accredited energy auditor / renewable energy systems (RESs) designer.

2 He approaches an adequate client, performs the project (say: an energy audit, or RES design) and complete the report / design book.

3 His reports gets eventually a satisfactory evaluation report from the relevant professional body (Institution of Engineers Australia, Department of Energy, or similar) and, most likely, his client obtain a subsidy / reimbursement / rebate for the (fraction of the) consultancy / design / system engineering costs.  

4 Branimir's Client eventually pursues the recommended course of action (say: the implementation of energy saving measures, or: the construction / installation of the designed RES components / further activities toward full RES establishment).

5 Branimir prepares a Project Proposal / CONTRACT for / in behalf of his CLIENT and approaches AusIndustry for their opinion regarding an eventual support for the planned activities.

6 AusIndustry evaluate, comments, eventually complements, but most often express its support, specify the conditions to be observed, and, tentatively, state a (level of) support for the proposed activities if to go ahead.

7 Branimir completes the subject project / study / research, attempting to satisfy both the CLIENT's, but also the AusIndustry's requirements (articulated within the all-side-agreed contract).

8 Hopefully, everything goes as planed, and another inspiring & innovative project has been has been completed.

Various supporting / cooperative schemes have been implemented over the years.