Gateways Resort Palmerston Darwin NT, Energy Audited by Branimir.
- Details
- Category: John Foxy Robinson and Bronco.
- Published: Friday, 19 January 2018 06:54
- Written by Branimir
- Hits: 961
Gateways Resort Palmerston Darwin NT, Energy Audited by Branimir.
'At Palmerston, he (Foxy) built the Bechtel work camp for the Darwin LNG Plant project, catering for over a thousand workers.' -
Preparation of Detailed Proposal for Power&Water Corporation, concerning Design & Cost-Benefit Analysis of Gateways Palmerston Energy-Smart Holiday & Accommodation Resort. Delivered to Power&Water.
Combined Level 1 & Level 2 Energy Audit Proposal, as per ASNZS 3598, referring to the site being developed.
Subject Proposal refered to the existing plans & maps of the property being developed, as supplied by the Developer. The Proposal specified the services to be considered, the comparison methodology of analyzing the characteristics of the at-the-time existing Palms Village Resort & new development estimated energy usage (both “classical” and the “energy smart” options), and the cost-benefit analysis procedures.
The Proposed Project specified the services to be provided, the comparison methodology of the characteristics of the existing Palms Village & Knotts Crossing Resorts and the new development estimated energy usage (both “classical” and the “energy smart” options), and the cost-benefit analysis.
“”From: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
To: <bbranimir@>
Cc: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: Re: Level 1 Energy Audit ............... DARWIN - Proposal
I confirm the approval to go ahead with the following job:
1. Preparation of proposal for:
a. .............. Level 1 Energy Audit
b. Gateway - Energy Smart Resort Concept
2. Walk through Audit for Palms Village Resort (upon confirmation from Lyn)
Original email from "Branimir" <bbranimir@>
To: "Edwin Agcaoili" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: Level 1 Energy Audit ............. - Proposal
Good Morning, Edwin.
Thank you for your support. It looks like we are on a good track for August, so let us start the work. I have understood that you have accepted my\A0QUOTES to go ahead with the preparation of two Proposals: ........., another for GATEWAYS SMART RESORT. And, I should proceed with the Walk-Trough Energy Audit at Palms Village Resort, soon as Foxy confirms it to Lyn. .............................................................................................................""
PROJECT. Walk Trough Energy Audit Gateways Smart Resort. Preliminary project, for Power & Water Corporation: new energy efficient and renewables – based development, an urban holiday resort, Darwin, NT. An innovative project / concept: a show-case, but within the Level 1 Energy Audit Standard (ASNZS3598). Design of the advanced heat pump based sanitary water supply system (`Quantum Energy'), the individual solar assisted air conditioning, also an ecologically friendly sewerage system ('Enviro Loo'). Level 1 Energy Audit Resort – Gateways Darwin, prepared by BM Brankovic for P&W Corp at Gateways Resort Darwin, NT Australia.