HPP Gruzza.
Tender SHPP Gruzza.
Managing HPP Gruzza Project.
HPP Gruzza Design.
HPP Gruzza Contract.
Construction of HPP Gruzza.
Design of HPP Gruzza.
Conceptual Solution & Design.
Construction Project Design.
Full Design of HPP Gruzza.
- Article Count:
- 2
HPP Gruzza Contracts.
Contracts between BMB and Institute Mihajlo Pupin - Automatika, Belgrade, Serbia.
Contracts between BMB and City Assembly / Water Authority Kragujevac, Serbia.
- Article Count:
- 7
Construction of HPP Gruzza.
Provisional Construction Activities.
Preparatory Construction Period.
Construction Works.
- Article Count:
- 1
Branimir's Role, Authority & Capacity: HPP Gruzza.
BMB as Authority for Renewables and Small Hydro Power Plants & Technology.
History of SHPP Gruzza Tender & Project.
BMB as Key Factor for Tender, Design & Construction to Succeed.
- Article Count:
- 1
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